Statiq Blog

Step into the future!!

Month: October 2023

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There are two common types of EV charging that people use to charge their electric vehicles: Level 2 AC chargers and DC fast chargers. Level 2 AC chargers are often referred to as slow chargers because they use alternate current Read more…

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are gaining popularity due to their eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness. One of the key advantages of owning an EV is the convenience of home charging. Home charging is the most affordable and hassle-free way to keep your electric Read more…

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Statiq, India’s largest EV charging network, has unveiled an exciting new feature on its Statiq mobile app: “List a New Charger.” This feature allows you to actively participate in expanding the EV charging network while earning 100 rupees in your Read more…

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Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a cleaner and more sustainable mode of transportation. In recent years, millions of people have switched to electric vehicles to reduce their carbon emissions and travel costs. As the demand for EVs continues to Read more…