Statiq Blog

Step into the future!!

Posts by: Akshit Bansal

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With clean environment and sustainable development constituting a pressing priority for governments across the globe today, exploring of low-carbon mobility options has certainly been a significant part of those priority lists. And the Indian government has been no different. So Read more…

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As published in TOI on August 3, 2023 Climate change conversations have dominated global circles in recent times, especially as the world is now faced with devastating effects of global warming. From flash floods across major parts of the world Read more…

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For a developing economy such as India, public-private partnership (PPP) has been a well-recognized model for the delivery of high-priority infrastructure and public utilities for almost twenty-five years now. As the government is often short on resources, while the semi-government Read more…

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In the last one year alone, the number of charging stations in the country has grown more than five times.  What is the future likely to be for EV charging stations in the country?  Even as EVs increasingly go mainstream Read more…