Statiq Blog

Step into the future!!

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Lockdown brought me an opportunity that changed my professional career!   Two years ago, when India was struggling with a deadly coronavirus, and the government was trying to curb the situation through a nationwide lockdown and restricted movement, I was sitting Read more…

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular as the world moves towards sustainable energy and cleaner transportation. People are nowadays exploring new ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on fuel costs. As a result, the demand for EV Read more…

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India is actively working towards building sustainable mobility and has set a target of 30% EV sales by 2030. And to achieve this, the government has launched subsidy schemes, incentives, and tax rebates. For the last many years, India has Read more…

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Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future of the automobile industry that will reduce the cost of travelling and create a positive impact on the planet. At present, transport is one of the significant contributors to air pollution and with electric Read more…

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Electric vehicles are a popular thing in a town. Automobile makers and even the government are aggressively promoting it in their countries. More and more EV models are entering the market each year with more mileage and better battery capacity. Read more…

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Technology has simplified the lives of humans for centuries. The automobile industry is one such domain that got complete transformation with the advancement of technology. Started with steam-powered vehicles, then petrol/diesel engine vehicles, CNG and hybrid, and now electric vehicles Read more…

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The world is moving towards sustainable energy, and electric vehicles (EVs) are playing a critical role in achieving that goal. Electric vehicles run on electricity instead of fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. These vehicles have become increasingly popular worldwide Read more…

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At a time, when electrification of mass transportation is being hailed as a solution for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on unsustainable energy sources, significant focus is being laid on increasing the efficiency of electric vehicles to encourage Read more…

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Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained popularity in recent years, and the infrastructure to support them has been growing as well. One of the crucial components of the EV infrastructure is the electric vehicle charging stations. There are two types of Read more…

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Most reports today are positive that electric vehicles (EVs) are gradually gaining traction as the vehicle of choice for buyers, and will ultimately lead to more adoption and sales. According to experts other than the high price factor, the battery Read more…

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With electric vehicles (EVs) increasingly replacing petrol and diesel-powered vehicles as a cleaner mobility option, they have become a more regular part of our everyday routine. Whether going to work, to the marketplace or to meet a friend, EVs are Read more…

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The white paper covers employment potential in the automotive sector, the importance of skill development, current initiatives in India, organization and institute-level initiatives, and the global context in skill development. It also maps out the current initiatives in India for Read more…